Tuomas Koivistoinen

Hi there! I'm glad you are interested in learning more about me. You can read what I have prepared for you down below, but I'm also up for a chat. Just hit me up via our contact form in LinkedIn

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Tuomas KoivistoinenSoftware Development with Impact

I’m a software development jack of all trades. I can support developers working on any part of the stack in any platform and handle pretty much anything related to delivering and operating software products. I can also give support from a developer point of view to product managers/owners and designers in discovering the right problems to solve and the right solutions to deliver.

What I've done

I've been employed in small, mid-size and large companies, consultancies and product companies both in a startup and mature stage. I've taken the role of an agile team member, coach and product owner. I've worked as a developer, devops engineer, software architect, tech lead and ux/ui designer. I've delivered whole green/brown field projects, joined to improve existing products/processess and helped to find a way to best cope with a legacy product.

How I work

Where ever I work and whatever I do, I always make sure to keep the end in mind. The end is not about getting stuff delivered, but about the impact it has. Just following a plan is not enough if we dont ensure that we get the impact we need.


I’m highly skilled in many clouds, programming languages, paradigms, technologies and methodologies. I tried listing everything here, but it takes too much space so here's just what I think is most relevant

  • Fullstack development in multiple languages (TypeScript, Clojure, PHP, Java, C#) and platforms (web, mobile)
  • DevOps/SRE on-prem, hybrid and in multiple clouds (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, UpCloud)
  • Databases (relational, graph, document, kv, temporal)
  • Architectures (SOA, microservices, serverless)
  • Event driven distributed systems (kafka, cloud native queues and event buses)
  • Accessibility and user experience design
  • Product and project management
  • Coaching, training and leadership

I'm only scratching the surface here. If you are wondering if I know how to do some specific things, please be in contact.


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Contact us.