Pasi Lappalainen

Hi there! I'm glad you are interested in learning more about me. You can read what I have prepared for you down below, but I'm also up for a chat. Just hit me up via our contact form in in LinkedIn

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Pasi LappalainenEmpowering Product Leader

I can help businesses organize around a product, motivating the entire organization behind common goals. I can collaborate with management, product development, designers, marketing, and sales. My expertise lies in software company leadership, product strategies, product management, product development processes, service design, design processes, sales processes, design systems, product and marketing analytics, and digital marketing processes.

What I've done

I have been involved in digital products for over 17 years since 2006, and my experience spans a wide range of roles, from a software developer to board-level work in software companies. In the field of digital marketing, I have worked on analytics and digital marketing processes for both prominent Finnish brands and international ones. I've worked in startups, consulting firms, and even in publicly traded companies. I'm happy to share more about my diverse background. I'm also keen on learning new things and consider myself a lifelong learner.

How I work

I motivate people by creating an inspiring 'why' and 'how' behind change. I'm highly productive and a visual thinker, always striving to see tasks through to completion. When it comes to design work, I am detail-oriented and possess a strong visual sense.


My experience in the field is so extensive that I won't list everything here, but I'll focus on the areas I'm particularly interested in.

  • Coaching, training and leadership
  • Data-driven Decision Making
  • Business Leadership
  • Product Leadership
  • Digital Marketing Processes
  • Marketing Analytics & Data
  • Sales Processes
  • Product Strategy
  • Product Management
  • Software Development Processes
  • Product Analytics
  • Design Processes
  • Service Design
  • Accessibility and user experience design
  • Design systems

Interested in learning more?
Contact us.