Empowering teams for
more outputs
real outcomes

Fight the old ways of doing things, break barries for success and build products with real outcomes.

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Why it matters

A major part of SaaS companies fail because they are building features that have low or no impact by employees who are no longer actively engaged.

What type of companies are failing? We believe a few common characteristics are:

  • Customer value is not measured or even defined
  • Product decisions are based on gut feeling and made by people who are not actively developing the product
  • Feature quantity is preferred over quality and impact is not measured
  • Following a plan is more important than learning through experimentation
  • Teams building the product don't know what they are trying to achieve or are not empowered to achieve it

These are common characteristics but not impossible to fix.

SaaS startups that fail during the first five years.
Features that are rarely or never used.
Employees that not actively engaged in work globally.

How to improve

Stand up and take the first step

Learning systematically what to build, how to build and actually building great products is demanding for both teams and leaders.

It demands for leaders who are continously learning how to better:

  • Build a psychologically safe learning culture of rapid innovation
  • Define and communicate mission, vision, strategy, values and reachable target outcomes
  • Empower teams to achieve target outcomes

And also teams that are continuously learning how to better:

  • Discover the most valuable opportunities to reach their target outcomes
  • Design the most effective solutions to capitalize on opportunities
  • Deliver the most minimal experiments to learn if the solution is driving the target outcome or not

Now is the time to stand up and take the first step.

How we can help

A partner in your journey.

We can join you in your journey in adopting the new mindset and also finding, setting up and utilizing the best processes and tools in your context.

Discover the right problem to solve

Continous opportunity discovery with user interviews, surveys, product analytics, prioritization, roadmapping, problem validation and more.

Design the right solution to deliver

Continous solution design with design systems, user research, usability testing, prototyping and more.

Engineer the right delivery to experiment

Continous experiment delivery with CI/CD, site reliability engineering, A/B experiments, data engineering and more.

Frequently asked questions

Interested in learning more?
Contact us.